Mubarak Steps Down!

Today the protesters cheered in the streets of Egypt. Early today on TV a short message aired saying that Mubarak is resigning as President. When I say the  message was short, I mean it was really short. The Vice President Suleiman was the one who delivered the speech.

The Vice President’s message said, “My fellow citizens in this difficult time the country is going through the president, Muhammad Hosni Mubarak, has decided to relieve himself of his position as president and the supreme military council has taken control of the states affairs. May God protect us.”

As soon as the message was delivered that he was resigning, the crowd of Egyptians errupted into cheers immediately. President Mubarak has decided to give over power to the vice President.

In the short TV message it was said that Mubarak left the county early this morning with his family.

The three weeks of protests have finally come to an end.

The voice of the people was finally heard despite the threats of being silenced. Maybe cell phone services and Internet connection is not needed in order to get ones point across. If you get enough people to stand together in protest, technology is not really needed anymore. Maybe such technology is used in order to inform people as to when and where protests are occuring but people  actually standing in the streets is what made their voices finally be heard. It reminds me that there was once a point in time where there wasn’t such a heavy reliance on Internet and cell phones. It seems like a long long time ago though…

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